Coming to Grips With My Vision Problems

What Are Cataracts And Cataract Surgery?

What Is a Cataract? A cataract is when the natural lens on your eye begins to cloud up. This can make it look like you're always looking through fog. Cataracts can simply be caused by aging or sometimes injury. In the beginning, strong glasses may help you maneuver around this discomfort, but the longer it goes untreated, the cloudier your vision will become. Your cataracts could then require cataract surgery.  Read More 

Things You Should Know Before Undergoing Eye Cataract Surgery

If your eye doctor has noticed a cataract on your eye's lens, they'll likely recommend that you get surgery to fix the impaired eyesight. Usually, eye surgeons conduct the surgery, and it happens to be effective in preventing blindness. But before you can consider eye cataract surgery, it's crucial to do some research to know what to expect and how you can prepare for it. Here are the top questions you may ask your eye cataract surgeon once they confirm that you are eligible for surgery. Read More 

5 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Vision Loss

Vision loss is a common issue among Americans. The idea of losing your eyesight is scary because you rely on your eyes so much. Although you can't prevent all eye disease, you can still reduce your risk of losing your eyesight in the future. Here are some different ways to take proper care of your eyes. Eat a Healthy Diet The foods you put in your mouth will not just have an effect on your waistline. Read More 

When To See Your Eye Doctor For Eye Pain

Eye pain is a common problem that affects many Americans. It can be the result of an allergic reaction or it may come on due to strain from using your computer constantly. Eye pain can also come on suddenly and become severe enough that a professional needs to assess your condition. Keep reading to learn about a few cases where you should be contacting your eye doctor as soon as possible. Read More 

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Optometrist

Going to an eye doctor is a task that often falls into a pattern. Especially for folks who already have prescriptions for contacts and glasses, it can feel rather routine to undergo an exam, get checked for basic diseases of the eye, and pick a set of glasses or contacts that fit your needs. You may not be getting the most out of your optometrist by falling into that pattern, though. Read More