Coming to Grips With My Vision Problems

Use These Strategies To Avoid Getting An Eye Infection

If you're noticing symptoms such as itchiness or even pain in one of your eyes, coupled by the eye constantly running or producing discharge, there's a good chance that you're dealing with an eye infection. While a visit to your local optometrist can indicate whether the issue is indeed an infection and provide you with a prescription for the right medication to clean up the issue, it's best to do what you can to avoid getting an eye infection in the first place. Read More 

3 Tips For Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

Your eyes allow you to see the world around you. Because of how important they are to you, it's up to you to do your part to make sure they are in great shape at all times. You have to protect them at all costs and give them the nourishment they need. If you are looking for different ways to improve your eye health, here are a few tips you can begin implementing into your daily routine today. Read More 

3 Tips For Getting Your Child To Wear Their Prescription Glasses

If you have a toddler or young child that needs glasses, it is important that you make the experience a good one for them. It is so important for them to wear their glasses in order to improve their vision so you will want to do everything you can to get them to wear them regularly. This article will discuss 3 tips for getting your child to wear their prescription glasses. Read More 

Treating Conjunctivitis at Home

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, can be extremely annoying. Along with the characteristic red or pink eyes, which are caused by inflammation, conjunctivitis also causes itching and burning in the eye as well as discharge. And to make matters worse, it is often highly contagious. Luckily, there are things you can do to limit the discomfort that goes with conjunctivitis. Remove Contacts Wearing contacts when you have pink eye is a bad idea. Read More 

Bye Bye Blurry Eye: Tips For Overcoming Visual Impairments While Reading

If you have a visual impairment, that doesn't mean you have to give up print content completely. Glasses can help improve some vision problems, but you may still find yourself struggling in certain environments. Luckily, with the advancements of technology and the support of an optometrist, you have many opportunities to enjoy reading successfully. Here are a few tips for improving your visibility to make reading easier, whether you're wearing glasses or not. Read More