Coming to Grips With My Vision Problems

Why You Should Get Your Eyes Checked As You Age

Even if you've never worn glasses before, you should consider getting an eye appointment for your aging eyes. The older you get, the more problems you can encounter with your vision or eye health in general, and a regular checkup for your eyes will help keep you in great shape and preserve your vision. The right ophthalmologist will put you at ease and help you through the exam. Here are a few reasons why you should get your eyes checked as you age: Read More 

Care For Your Eyes By Following This Advice

You never want to take the health of your eyes for granted. You should always make sure you make it in to see an optometrist for your annual exams and protect your eyes any time when you may be in a situation where they would be at risk of being injured. This article is going to give you some great advice on how to take care of your eyes in a way that can prevent you from dealing with vision problems and other eye-related conditions in the future. Read More 

The Smart Shopper’s Guide to Purchasing Contacts Online for the First Time

If you wear contact lenses and are tired of the high cost of buying them at your local eye doctor's office or pharmacy, then ordering your contacts online will save you a lot of money. In addition to cost savings, buying your lenses online is simple, quick, and doesn't require you to drive to the pharmacy or eyecare center where you would have to wait around for your lenses to be dispensed. If you are feeling apprehensive about your first online contact lens order, then use these smart shopper tips to ensure you get the right lenses at the best price: Read More 

How To Prevent Eye Infections

Eye infections can happen for any number of reasons. Some can result in discharge and redness, while others may result in styes or swelling. If you have an eye infection, it's always best to get to your optometrist for a diagnosis and for treatment. To help prevent eye infections, follow the tips below.  Keep Your Fingers Away From Your Eyes Your eyes may feel dry or itchy at times, but try your best to avoid touching or rubbing your eyes with unwashed hands. Read More 

Six Things You Can Do To Manage Discomfort After A LASIK Surgery Procedure

A lot of patients experience a minimal amount of discomfort while they are recovering from LASIK surgery. However, there are a lot of things that patients can do to alleviate discomfort and make the recovery process faster and more comfortable. The following are six things you can do to manage pain and discomfort after a LASIK surgery procedure: Take it easy on your eyes and rest Your optometrist will probably recommend that you take a day or two to rest from activities that strain the eyes immediately after the procedure. Read More